Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kraft Hockeyville Game!

We have four days to kill before the 10 finalists for Kraft Hockeyville USA are announced, so why not play the Kraft Hockeyville game with Saratoga Springs, NY?

Its as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Pick a song on YouTube

2. Change the words to represent your community

3. Post online!

Can't touch this! my my my TOGA!

Goin' Toga Style!

We play on Ice, Ice, Baby!


Don't worry play hockey

Kraft Hockeyville finalists: T minus 4 days until Saratoga Springs NY named victors!

I know. I should work for the New York Times coming up with headlines.

Will Saratoga Springs, NY be named one of the top 10 for the Kraft Hockeyville contest?

Absolutely!! Other communities posted on their page at krafthockeyville.com but our essay was absolutely FAB thanks to Lisa C!! Haven't read it yet? Check it out under Vernon Arena Ice Rink in Saratoga Springs, NY!

This is the first year Kraft Hockeyville has ventured south of the border...just like my family! Wouldn't it be great if Canadians helped Saratogians win the inaugural title of Hockeyville USA?!

In the meantime, let's keep playing The Hockeyville Game. Don't know it? Simple! Link to a great YouTube song and change the words to support Saratoga Youth Hockey win Hockeyville! Its easy and most of all FUN!

Can't go wrong with Michael Jackson's THRILLER


And of course the words should be:


Man, now I gotta dance!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hockeyville USA--Play Saratoga Springs Hockey Game!


How can you help Saratoga Springs NY become America's very first Hockeyville USA??
Inspired by our most recent youtube video, I got to thinking: what other songs represent Saratoga Blue Knights?
Here is your challenge--post the words and link to the song that makes you think of Saratoga Youth Hockey!
Here is my first submission:
Saturday Night by Bay City Rollers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBn2ux5vRHk
Obviously the words should be:
Get your creative juices flowing fellow Hockeyville fans!!! 

Who will be the first to play my game?? I've got TONS of ideas and if you don't start posting I will be forced to actually sing them and post them on YouTube (which is really scary because all of my children know I can't sing to save my life!)

Kraft Hockeyville DANCE Revolution in Saratoga Springs, NY

Hoppy Easter, Peeps!

Just FYI Kraft Hockeyville has already named Panorama Recreation Centre B in British Columbia Canada's Hockeyville (http://www.khv2015.ca/en/)...will Saratoga Springs NY be their SISTER CITY, making Vernon Arena Ice Rink the VERY FIRST community in the United States to be named Hockeyville?

KEEP LIKING OUR POSTS on facebook (Make Saratoga Springs Hockeyville Usa) and we very well could be!!

While we wait to see the list of the TEN communities to be short listed, check out the GRLZ from the squirt B Saratoga Blue Knights getting pumped up before one of their big tournaments this season! Gotta love Bruno!!!



Picture Perfect Saratoga Blue Knights for Kraft Hockeyville

What a great photo for Kraft Hockeyville to use when Saratoga Springs NY gets named one of the top 10 communities to be short listed for the Hockeyville contest!!! Keep liking and sharing to make sure the judges see our awesome submission by Lisa C. Haven't read it yet? Check it out on krafthockeyville.com and search for Vernon Arena Ice Rink in NY!

Monday, March 30, 2015


The Kraft Hockeyville USA website really and truly LIKED us on Facebook! Do we have their attention? Maybe the uber cute video that a Saratoga Youth Hockey player's sister created and posted to Youtube helped!


Please share your stories on this blog and on our facebook page to show community support for the FANTASTIC submission that Lisa C. posted clearly explaining why Saratoga Springs NY should be voted Kraft Hockeyville USA 2015!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saratoga Springs, NY and Kraft Hockeyville: Go Big or Go HOME!!!

Saratoga Springs NY's submission to Kraft Hockeyville USA is AWESOME SAUCE!!!!

If you haven't read it, go to our Kraft Hockeyville community page at krafthockeyville.com and search for our arena: Vernon Arena Ice Rink.

LIKE, SHARE, TWEET! Make Saratoga Springs, NY America's FIRST Hockeyville USA!!!!

And just FYI, we celebrated our year end by BBQing scores of hotdogs and hamburgers (dogs are still chasing me down), hosting the Vernon Arena Ice Rink's annual Vernon Cup, the coaches' game, and supported the Lions Club's skaters with Skidmore College players!

Snow, wind, cold...there is no  stopping Saratoga Springs in their quest to be Hockeyville USA's inaugural winners! Check out our facebook page Make Saratoga Springs Hockeyville Usa​
and our blog http://saratogahockeyville.blogspot.com/

Also, check out Saratoga Youth Hockey's website (as in, Google Saratoga Youth Hockey)

Kraft hockeyville eyeing Saratoga Springs NY

Well, they might not be eyeing us this minute exactly; however, it will be tough to overlook the stellar contribution made by Lisa C. to hockeyville USA. We only made on contribution on our community page by choice: go big or go home!

Our submission clearly explains why Saratoga Springs NY engenders family, community, and passion.

According to one website (http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2015/03/11/over-1100-rinks-nominated-for-kraft-hockeyville-usa/) over 1,100 rinks have been nominated.

Comment, tweet, like, share, tell everyone who cares that Saratoga Springs NY IS hockeyville USA's inaugural winner!!

Vernon Cup supporters in Saratoga Springs NY like Hockeyville USA

Saratoga Springs NY hosted our annual Vernon Cup and Coaches game PLUS enjoyed the Lions Club's skating event with Skidmore College players!

I still stink of BBQ and hamburger (which attracted the attention of many service dogs, btw) but it was worth it to share information about HOCKEYVILLE USA and hearing everyone's thoughts on why Saratoga Springs New York should be named Hockeyville. We had a great time at our year end party and hundreds of people did NOT get Salmonella poisoning from our BBQ (YAY!)

Cuz that woulda been a tough news story to spin in a positive light.

But hey, that would have drawn attention to Saratoga Spring's Hockeyville essay that Lisa C. wrote and is A.Maz.Ing.

Please continue to share, like, tweet, and post your stories about why you KNOW Saratoga Springs, NY is Hockeyville USA!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Top Three Reasons to Make Saratoga Springs NY HOCKEYVILLE USA

My top three reasons why Saratoga Springs, NY is HOCKEYVILLE USA in 2015 are:

1. This volunteer-drive organization is committed to building a life-long love of hockey in our children.

2. There is no where else my son would rather be than on the ice with his friends.

3. I love driving long distances for a 1 hour hockey game!

What are YOUR top three reasons you love hockey in Saratoga Springs, NY?!!

Don't forget to go to krafthockeville.com, search for Vernon Arena Ice Rink in NY and LIKE, SHARE, TWEET!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2015

what is Hockeyville you ask?

Hockeyville has been an annual contest in Canada for years. Communities across the country band together to prove THEY ARE HOCKEYVILLE!

Sure, we all love hockey, but who loves it more than SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY? No one! We have a great essay on why Saratoga Springs, NY should be hockeyville USA--the VERY FIRST WINNERS IN THE US!!!

Check out our entry for Vernon Arena Ice Rink on hockeyville.com!

Like, Share, Tweet and check out our facebook page as well. Let's prove to the judges at Kraft Hockeyville we are the town they are looking for to represent our country!!

check out Saratoga Springs NY Vernon Arena Ice Rink!

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

Have you heard about Hockeyville in Saratoga Springs, NY? Vernon Arena Ice Rink entered the Kraft Hockeyville contest for a chance to win $150,000 for arena upgrades.

Those upgrades will benefit public skaters, figures skaters, and speed skaters not just hockey!

Just like Sven, Christophe, and Olaf, we ALL LOVE ICE!!!! If you are part of the saratoga NY community, please go to krafthockeyville.com, find Vernon Arena Ice Rink and share, tweet, and like!

we need shares, tweets, and likes

Have you heard of Kraft Hockeyville contest? It is their first year in the US.

If Vernon Arena in Saratoga Springs, NY wins we will get $150,000 in arena upgrades and host a NHL pre-season game!

For Saratoga Springs to be named Hockeyville we need everyone to go to krafthockeyville.com, find Vernon Arena Ice Rink and share, tweet, and like.

We need to attract attention to our awesome submission that clearly explains why Saratoga Springs, NY IS HOCKEYVILLE!